Laingholm BluGeo K60 GRP

Services: Soil Nailing

Main Contractor: Fulton Hogan

Engineer: Riley Consultants

Concerns over the undermining of a residential driveway as a result of a slip on a local territorial authority road embankment prompted remedial works utilising soil nailing technology and base retention.

Grouting Services was awarded the subcontract to carry out the soil nailing and slope protection remedial works. A total of 56No permanent soil nails were installed comprising 4.2m long BluGeo Powerthread K60 – GRP bar in a 150mm drill hole. BluGeo Powerthread K60 soil nails were accepted as a cost effective alternative to the specified galvanized epoxy coated bar. The slope protection works included the supply and installation of 150sq.m of Macmat R Geomat which was fixed to the surface with 300mm square galvanized epoxy coated bearing plates at each soil nail location. Timber bored piles formed the base retention works. A representative sample of soil nails were proof tested for compliance.

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